• 僑生及港澳生申請入學

Make sure you are eligible to apply as an Overseas Chinese, Hong Kong or Macau student. Please refer to “Entry Requirement”.

(1) 報名網址:http://exam.thu.edu.tw/EXAM/53_index2.htm
(2) 一律採線上報名,於截止日前,將所有相關資料上傳以完成線上申請。恕不接受紙本文件。每位申請人至多申請2個系組。
Online Application
(1) Please go to the following website: http://exam.thu.edu.tw/EXAM/53_index2.htm
(2) Only online applications shall be accepted. Please complete the online application, and upload all the relevant documents before the deadline. Hard copy applications/ documents will not be accepted. Each applicant may apply for up to two departments/ graduate institutes.

(1) 申請文件請參考【應繳文件】與【招生系所分則】。
(2) 申請文件須以PDF檔上傳,除了照片可為JPG檔。檔案大小以5MB為限。每一項目僅可上傳單一檔案,若有多個檔案請自行合併。
(3) 於截止日前允許分次上傳及更新檔案,請務必審慎檢視上傳資料正確無誤後,點選"確認送出"鍵完成申請。報名資格不符規定、表件不全等情形,恕不予受理。
Uploading Documents
(1) About the application documents, please refer to “Required Application Documents” and “Department Information”.
(2) All required documents shall be uploaded in PDF files, except for the photo which may be in JPG format. Each document is limited to 5MB. Only one file for each field is accepted. If you have multiple files for a particular field, please combine them into one file before uploading.
(3) The documents may be uploaded separately and updated any time before the deadline. You may not change the submitted documents once you have confirmed submission. Please go through the documents carefully before confirming the submission. If application documents are incomplete or not submitted on time, or the qualification of the applicants fail to meet the THU’s requirements, such applications will not be processed by THU.

We will inform you by email after receiving your application.

1. 身分規定
(1) 僑生:海外出生連續居留迄今,或最近連續居留海外六年以上,並取得僑居地永久或長期居留證件回國就學之華裔學生。
(2) 港澳生:香港或澳門(以下簡稱港澳)居民,具有港澳永久居留資格證件,且最近連續居留境外六年以上者;並符合「香港澳門關係條例」第四條規定,未持有外國護照者。
(3) 港澳具外國國籍之華裔學生:具外國國籍,兼具香港或澳門永久居留資格,未曾在臺設有戶籍,且最近連續居留香港、澳門或海外6年以上之華裔學生申請入學大學,於相關法律修正施行前,其就學及輔導得準用「僑生回國就學及輔導辦法」規定申請入學。
(1) 就讀僑務主管機關舉辦之海外青年技術訓練班或中央主管教育行政機關認定之技術訓練專班。
(2) 參加僑務主管機關主辦或其認定屬政府機關舉辦之活動,或就讀主管機關核准境外招生之華語教育機構開設之華語文研習課程,其活動或研習期間合計未滿二年。
(3) 交換學生,其交換期間合計未滿二年。
(4) 經中央目的事業主管機關許可來臺實習,實習期間合計未滿二年。
(5) 回國接受兵役徵召及服役。
(6) 因戰亂、天災或大規模傳染病,致無法返回僑居地。
(7) 因其他不可歸責於僑生之事由,致無法返回僑居地,有證明文件。
2. 學歷規定
(1) 在當地華文中學、外文中學畢業或相當於國內高級中學畢業取得畢業證書(以同等學力資格申請者,須檢附修業證明書),且經我政府駐外機構或僑務委員會指定之保薦單位查證屬實者。
(2) 相當於國內高級中等學校肄業或畢業年級高於相當國內高級中學學校之國外同級同類學校肄業並修滿相當於國內高級中學學校修業年限以下年級,符合下列資格之一者,或畢業年級相當於國內高級中等學校二年級之國外同級同類學校畢業生,得以同等學力資格申請:
A. 僅未修習規定修業年限最後一年,因故休學、退學或重讀二年以上。
B. 修滿規定修業年限最後一年之上學期,因故休學或退學一年以上。
C. 修滿規定年限,因故未能畢業。
(3) 同等學力資格之認定依教育部「入學大學同等學力認定標準」之規定辦理。
(4) 凡有下列情形之一者,不得依本簡章之規定申請入學,違反規定者,取消錄取資格;已入學者,應勒令退學並撤銷學籍。
A. 已申請喪失中華民國國籍經核准有案且尚未取得他國國籍者。
B. 持偽造或冒用、變造證明文件或護照者。
C. 錄取分發後,經僑務主管機關或教育部審核資格不符者。
註2:畢業年級相當於臺灣高級中等學校二年級(高中11年制,Form 5)之國外或香港澳門地區同級同類學校畢業生得申請本校學士班,惟入學後依本校學則規定應增加畢業學分數12學分。

All rules and regulations indicated in this brochure regarding the qualifications for Overseas Chinese, Hong Kong, and Macau students who intent to apply for admission to THU are subject to the “Regulations Regarding Study and Counseling Assistance for Overseas Chinese Students in Taiwan” and “Regulations Regarding Hong Kong and Macau Students Undertaking Studies in Taiwan” administered by Ministry of Education (MOE) of R.O.C. Should there be any future revisions made in the regulations, the latest regulations announced by MOE shall prevail. Website: http://www.edu.tw/
1. Identification
Applicants are limited only to those who return to Taiwan from abroad in the current year (Exclusive of those who have studied in senior high schools in Taiwan, those who have studied for one year in a domestic University, and the overseas Chinese, Hong Kong, and Macau students who have been certified by the Division of Preparatory Programs for Overseas Chinese Students of National Taiwan Normal University).
(1) “Overseas Chinese Students” refers to students of Chinese descent who have come to Taiwan to study, who were born and lived overseas until the present time, or who have been living overseas for six or more consecutive years in the immediate past and have obtained permanent or long-term residency status overseas.
(2) “Hong Kong and Macau Students” refers to students who have the right of permanent residency in Hong Kong or Macau, who have been living overseas for six or more consecutive years in the immediate past, and who, according to Article 4 of Laws and Regulations Regarding Hong Kong & Macao Affairs, hold no travel documents other than the Hong Kong or Macau passport.
(3) “Hong Kong and Macau Chinese Students with Foreign Nationality” refers to Chinese students who not only have foreign nationality, but also have the right of permanent residency in Hong Kong or Macau, who do not hold or have not had a household registration in Taiwan, and who have been living overseas, in Hong Kong or Macau, for six or more consecutive years in the immediate past, and whose study and counseling assistance fall mutatis mutandis under the “Regulations Regarding Study and Counseling Assistance for Overseas Chinese Students in Taiwan” when applying for University admission, before related laws are amended and enacted.
Note. 1. Documentary evidence of having obtained permanent or long-term residency status overseas referred to in the first paragraph of the previous article may include proof of having citizenship or permanent residency in the applicant’s country of residence, or having a Republic of China passport which officially records the person’s overseas Chinese status. Please provide the evidence, certificate, or testimonial along with application documents when applying.
Note. 2. In Article 4 of “Laws and Regulations Regarding Hong Kong & Macao Affairs”, the term "Hong Kong Residents" as used herein refers to persons who qualify for permanent residency in Hong Kong and who do not hold a travel document other than a British (Overseas) passport or a Hong Kong passport. The term "Macau Residents" as used herein refers to those who have the right of permanent residency in Macau and hold no travel documents other than the Macau passport; or those who hold a Portuguese passport and obtained this document in Macau prior to the end of Portuguese rule.
Note. 3. The term "overseas” refers to countries or regions other than Taiwan, mainland China, Hong Kong, and Macau.
Note. 4. The term “The consecutive years of overseas residency” means calendar years in each of which a Hong Kong, Macau, or overseas Chinese student has not spent more than 120 days in Taiwan. The standard way to calculate the period of continuous residency overseas is to calculate the previous 6 years from the final date that overseas students can apply for admission stated in this admission brochure for overseas students. This does not apply, however, to applicants whose period of continuous residency overseas must be calculated using August 31 of the year of the application to meet the requirements set out in this admission brochure. The time that a person has spent in Taiwan is not subject to this restriction and is not counted when calculating how long they were in Taiwan in a particular year (meaning that the time of the consecutive residency in Hong Kong or Macau or the overseas residency has to be calculated backward) if in that period of time the overseas Chinese student has:
(1) attended an overseas youth technical training course conducted by the OCAC or a technical professional training program accredited by an authorized educational administration authority;
(2) attended an activity held by the OCAC or by a government agency and recognized by the OCAC, or has taken a Chinese language course provided by a Chinese language education institute which has been approved by the governing authority to recruit students overseas, and has spent a total period of less than two years undertaking such activities or courses;
(3) spent a total period of less than two years in Taiwan as an exchange student;
(4) spent a total period of less than two years in an internship in Taiwan undertaken with the approval of the designated national authority;
(5) returned to Taiwan to do military service and was enlisted and served;
(6) stayed in Taiwan because they were unable to return to their country of residence because of war, natural disaster, or a major outbreak of an infectious disease; or
(7) stayed in Taiwan because they were unable to return to their country of residence because of some other matter that the student was not responsible for and for they have documentary evidence.
Note. 5. The aforementioned citizenship and permanent residency documentation must include proof of citizenship from the applicant’s country of residence, proof of permanent residency, or a Taiwanese passport with a valid overseas status.
Note. 6. The Overseas Chinese Student status must be validated by the Overseas Community Affairs Council (OCAC); Hong Kong, and Macau Chinese Students Status (with or without foreign nationality) must be validated by the Ministry of Education (MOE). Overseas Chinese Students who have been studying at a Taiwan university for less than one year and have discontinued their studies in order to return to their countries of origin, must repeat the application process; only one such reapplication is permitted. However, this does not apply to those who were once enrolled in, dropped out from, or expelled from domestic universities or colleges (including the Division of Preparatory Programs for Overseas Chinese Students in National Taiwan Normal University) and those who have had the record of applying for admission postponement. If violations of this regulation are found and
verified, the admission qualification will be voided.
Note. 7. During the course of study, Hong Kong, Macau, and Overseas Chinese Students may not change their student status, unless otherwise permitted by other regulatory functions.
Note. 8. For those who are eligible to apply as both international students and overseas Chinese students, please choose only one identity to apply. Once the application is submitted, no changes of identity will be allowed.
Note. 9. The above admission regulations do not include overseas Chinese students who graduated from unincorporated Chinese schools in Myanmar and Northern Thailand.
2. Academic Credentials
(1) Certificated graduates from local Chinese high schools, local high schools of foreign languages, or schools with a status equivalent to domestic high schools and verified by the Republic of China’s overseas missions or the Overseas Community Affairs Council. Those applying with high school equivalency certificates must include an enrollment certificate.
(2) Students who attended a school in a foreign country, Hong Kong, or Macao of a comparable academic level and nature to senior high schools in Taiwan, but which requires more years of study to complete than such schools in Taiwan, and who did not complete their secondary studies there but completed sufficient grades/years of study equivalent to particular grades/years of the prescribed senior high school program in Taiwan, or students who meet one of the following requirements can apply with a high school equivalency certificate.
A. The student completed all but the final year of the prescribed program but for some reason took leave or withdrew from their studies, or had to repeat a grade for two years or more.
B. The student completed the first semester of the final year of the prescribed program but for some reason took leave or withdrew from their studies for one year or more.
C. The student completed the prescribed program but for some reason was unable to graduate.
To determine the number of years a person has discontinued, taken leave from, or repeated formal study: count from the end-date of the last semester that the student completed, as recorded in the transcript of their results for all academic years, or the certificate of attendance, or transfer certificate, until the latest date when students can enroll for the academic year for which the student took the entrance examination.
(3) Applicant shall obtain an equivalent education level to meet the qualification of the regulation of “Standards for Recognition of Equivalent Educational Levels for University Admission” by the MOE.
(4) Applicants:
A. who have applied for the cancellation of the R.O.C nationality and whose applications have been approved, and who have not yet acquired foreign nationality
B. whose applications or passports have been forged, altered, fabricated, or were fraudulent, inaccurate, or otherwise lacking legal validity
C. whose qualifications have been verified by OCAC or MOE and have been found ineligible after admission cannot apply according to the regulations of this admission brochure. Those who violate the regulations will have their admission qualification revoked.
Those who have enrolled in the University will be expelled and their student status vacated.
Note 1. For newly graduate students, if you have not yet receive the graduation certificate, please submit a ”Certificate of Expected Graduation (either in English or Chinese)” or an official document issued by your school indicates the expected graduation dates. Once you are admitted, you are required to submit your original graduation certificate during the registration period. Student who failure to submit the certificate will result in the cancellation of admission.
Note 2. An applicant who graduate from a foreign, Hong Kong or Macao high school equivalent to the sophomore of senior high school in Taiwan eligible to apply for the undergraduate program. However, student will require to take extra 12 credits to satisfy the graduation requirement according to the “Tunghai University Academic Regulations.”
Any violation of regulation mentioned above, once the violation has been confirmed, the applicant shall cancel his/her admission, dismiss from the university and cancel the graduation qualifications. No record of formal schooling will be issued by THU.

(A). 入學申請表(報名後由系統提供)
(B). 2吋證件照(6個月內)
(C). 身分及學歷資格切結書、香港或澳門居民報名資格確認書(報名後由系統提供)
(D). 身分證明文件
(E). 學歷證件
(a). 高中畢業證書:
 應屆畢業生申請時如尚未取得畢業證書,得先繳交由其學校出具之「在學證明書」或「預計畢業證明書」;如獲錄取,則需於註冊期間繳交經驗證之畢業證書,否則將取消錄取資格。
(b). 歷年成績單:
中學歷年成績單(10th~12th grade /Form4~6),應包含修業起訖年月、分數等級說明,若無,請申請者自行註記在成績單上,中、英文以外之語文,應另附駐外館處或登記在案之翻譯社公證之中文或英文譯本。
 高中11年制(11th grade /Form 5):請繳中學最後二年成績單(10th~11th grade /Form4~5)。
(F). 推薦信:請上傳至少1封您之前學校老師或公司主管寫的推薦信。

Documents required for academic review:
1. Autobiography: 500-1000 words in Chinese or in English.
2. Additional documents in support of the application such as a proof of certification, achievements, or awards.

Documents required for eligibility check:
(A). Application forms (generated automatically after completion of the application)
Please print and sign on the application documents after completion of submission. All information provided on the application system must be valid and accurate in order to prevent any important information and notifications missing.
(B). 2-inches passport photo (less than 6 months)
Please upload a recent passport size photo (4.5cm* 3.5cm).
(C). Identity declaration and Academic credentials (generated automatically after completion of the application)
Required Documents
Overseas Chinese Students
Identity and Academic Qualification Affidavit.
Hong Kong and Macau Chinese Students&Hong Kong and Macau Chinese Students with Foreign Nationality
(1). Identity and Academic Qualification Affidavit.
(2). Confirmation Letter of Eligibility for Hong Kong, Macau and Hong Kong/Macau Students with Foreign Nationalities.
(D).Verification of nationality
Required Documents
Overseas Chinese Students
Proof of foreign country of permanent or long-term residence permit: (Choose one to upload)
(1). Foreign country of residence identity card or passport.
(2). Republic of China passport and Overseas Chinese Identity Certificate.
Hong Kong and Macau Chinese Students&Hong Kong and Macau Chinese Students with Foreign Nationality
(1). Proof of permanent residence status in Hong Kong or Macau.
(2). Proof of continuous residence in Hong Kong, Macau, or other foreign countries.
(3). Chinese citizens who are permanent resident in Hong Kong or Macau, or One-way Permit holders settled in Hong Kong or Macau shall provide “Mainland Travel Permit for Hong Kong and Macao Residents”. It also colloquially referred to as a Home Return Permit or Home Visit Permit.

(E).Academic credentials
(a).High school diploma
For applicant could not provide the diploma or graduation certificate in Chinese or English, shall enclose the translation version in Chinese or English authentication and notarized by a local ROC representative
office overseas or a registered translation agency.
 For newly graduate students, if you have not yet receive the graduation certificate, please submit a ”Certificate of Expected Graduation (either in English or Chinese)” or an official document issued by your school indicates the expected graduation dates. Once you are admitted, you are required to submit your original graduation certificate during the registration period. Student who failure to submit the certificate will result in the cancellation of admission.
(b).Transcript of records for all semesters
Please submit a copy of the transcripts of all your high school academic years (10th~12th grade /Form4~6). An official academic transcript for all semesters shall include the period of study (indicate the month and year of enrolment and graduation) and explanation of grading system. If an official academic transcript issue in other languages rather than Chinese or English, a translate version shall notarized by local ROC representative office overseas or by a registered translation agency with clear statement about the subjects mention above.
 11th grade /Form 5: Please submit a copy of your senior high school transcripts for the last two years (10th~11th grade /Form4~5).
(F). Letters of recommendation
Please submit at least one letter of recommendation from your previous school/university or company written by your former professor or advisor.